Bonn–Oberkassel dog

The Bonn–Oberkassel dog (German: Hund von Bonn–Oberkassel) was a Late Paleolithic (c. 14,000 years BP / c. 12,000

 BCE) dog whose skeletal remains were found buried alongside two humans. Discovered in early 1914 by quarry workers in Oberkassel, Bonn, Germany, the double burial site was analyzed by a team of archaeologists from the University of Bonn. It was around 7.5 months old at death, 40–50 cm (16–20 in) tall at the shoulder, and weighed 13–18 kg (29–40 lb), suggesting a slender build similar to West Asian wolves (such as the Indian wolf) or some modern sighthounds.

The dog's lower jaw was first thought to be from a wolf and placed into museum storage with the human remains, while the dog's other bones were put into the university's geological collections. The bones of the Bonn–Oberkassel dog were reunited in the late 1970s and reidentified as a domestic dog attributed to the Magdalenian culture, dating to the beginning of the Late Glacial Interstadial, c. 14,000 BP. A total of 32 identifiable bone fragments have been attributed to the dog. These have been used to estimate a number of the animal's characteristics.

Osteoarthritis, alongside signs of enamel defects, missing teeth, and gum disease, indicate that the Bonn–Oberkassel dog survived a canine distemper infection as a puppy. Due to the high likelihood of death without assistance, the puppy's survival was probably due to human care. Such care would have involved providing food and water, as well as frequent cleaning. Extensive human care suggests significant compassion towards the dog, possibly indicating that the dog was seen as a pet. It is unknown how the dog died; it may have been due to the effects of its illness or other natural causes. An alternate possibility is that it was killed or sacrificed to be buried alongside the humans, an archaeologically attested practice linked to spiritual and religious motives. A molar belonging to a second, older dog was found at the site, likely used as a grave good.


  1. Rudra. (2000). Paleolithic dog. Paleolithic dog, qwerty, 3.

  2. Rudra. (2002). Paleolithic dog. Paleolithic dog, gsdafreqr, 6.

  3. Gleson. (2006). Ağırdil. Ağırdil, xcvbngf, 5.

  4. Gagan. (2007). Losey. Losey, sfdghrt, 8.

  5. Jay. (1943). Henke. Henke, issue, 5.

  6. Jayaa. (2003). test. test, 2002, 4.

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Bonn–Oberkassel dog sahil9922 23 Dec 2024 01:41 PM
Bonn–Oberkassel dog sahil9922 23 Dec 2024 01:09 PM
Bonn–Oberkassel dog sahil9922 23 Dec 2024 01:00 PM
Bonn–Oberkassel dog sahil9922 23 Dec 2024 12:50 PM
Bonn–Oberkassel dog sahil9922 23 Dec 2024 12:44 PM